The following list is intended to introduce and clarify specific terms used trough-out this EULA.
EULA = End User License Agreement
FONT(S) = Digital files containing typeface software. They are organized in weights, widths, and styles that in combination constitute a Typeface.
TYPEFACE = Collection of FONT(S), that are formally related to one another.
LICENSE = The permission to use a FONT(S) on a specific medium.
LICENSEE / License OWNER (Hereafter License OWNER) = The legal entity that payed for the License and commissions the design work in which the Font is used.
COMPANY SIZE = Total number of employees working for the company/organization of the License OWNER.
License TIER = Size of License, determined by License OWNER’s company size.
DESIGNER/AGENCY/STUDIO (Hereafter DESIGNER) = The entity that provides the design service to the License OWNER.
SUBCONTRACTOR = Third party using the FONT(S) on behalf of the License Owner. Designers are Subcontractor of the License OWNER.
G2 = Gruppo Due GbR.